This testimonial is from David Graeme Hancock, Phi Gamma Delta brother who served as the 15th Premier of Alberta in 2014. Since 2017, he has served as a judge of the Provincial Court of Alberta. The University of Alberta FIJI chapter celebrated 50 years on October 24, 2020.
Tonight is the 50th Anniversary Epsilon Alpha of Phi Gamma Delta Pig Dinner (the event is named after an historical event at a US College football game involving a greased pig – no longer relevant, should be changed).
I have attended 48 of them since joining the fraternity in September 1972! The Fraternity has been and is an important influence shaping my life. In 1972 I came to the University of Alberta from Fort Vermilion, a small hamlet 500 miles north of Edmonton. I was just turned 17. Knew no one. Graduated from La Crete Public School with a class of 7. My first class at University was in a Tory Turtle Lecture, Economics 200, about 600 students – bigger than my home town!
I stopped at a booth in SUB which was recruiting campaigners for the federal election. I signed up for Marcel Lambert’s Campaign (yes I was a high school geek, this my second election). Rollie Cook was behind the desk. After he signed me up he dragged me off to the Fraternity house for a bowl of soup. The rest, as they say, is history! And tonight we celebrate 50!
But it is a bittersweet celebration tonight. The second person I met at FIJI was Murray Dorin. Rollie and Murray became best friends and brothers. With their support, advice, encouragement my political life progressed through all of its stages! I owe them, and all of my brothers at Phi Gam. But tonight Murray Dorin is no longer with us! Murray passed ad astra April 11. I miss him dearly. We attended the “Pig” together each year celebrating the pledge class of ‘72! We ganged up to get Rollie elected, then Rollie and I pushed Murray to run federally. They then ganged up on me and I got elected after a couple of false starts.
Murray was truly purple! He exemplified the characteristics of loyalty and brotherhood! He served as a Member of Parliament and served well! Murray had a stellar intellect, he was great to challenge thinking, raise ideas, promote a strong society! He gave back, contributed! He was a friend and brother! And I miss him dearly. It is particularly acute at our annual dinner!
Rest In Peace Murray Dorin! You are missed dear brother!