BUCKHANNON — The West Virginia Wesleyan College Kappa Tau Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity holds many achievements on top of academics.
Chip Allen, an alumnus of the chapter, said, “It has a rich history of helping the community and is responsible for turning young men from students on campus into leaders of the future.” Allen explained that the house was founded on December 2, 1955 and has been serving the community for nearly 60 years. The chapter has helped local organizations including Stockert Youth Center, The Upshur Parish House and West Virginia Wesleyan College. In addition, the house has also made donations to Habitat for Humanity. So, it comes as no surprise that the house motto is, “United We Serve.”
According to Allen, secondary to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chapter has struggled with recruitment and keeping the chapter functional. However, Allen said, “We have persevered by remaining faithful to our values.” Allen noted that the house has an average 3.68 GPA and is diverse and inclusive. Recently, Buckhannon Lowes gifted building supplies to the chapter for home maintenance.
“They were so gracious,” said Allen. “Cody McGee, the manager at Lowes, was so helpful.” Kappa Tau Chapter members were so grateful and, in return, presented McGee with a paddle as a “thank you” gift.
“I really wanted to celebrate the generosity of Lowes for their donations. We also want the community to know that we are here to help,” said Allen. “As a Buckhannon native, if there is anything I’ve learned from being raised here, is that we are a community. In times of need we help one another; we just want to return the favor.”
Alumni President Nick Cavey stated that the chapter is a “home away from home.” Cavey also said that the chapter has assisted with nine philanthropic events over the past year. He reiterated the generosity of Lowe’s for their donation of building materials for their home.
“Kappa Tau reached out to me. They told me what they stand for and spoke of their community efforts. I just wanted to donate what I could to help them get back on their feet so they can focus more on the community and worry less about the repairs for the home. I love to do anything I can do help our community,” said Lowe’s Manager Cody McGee.
Those interested in helping Kappa Tau in the maintenance of their “home away from home” and to continue their community efforts, donations can be made to “Theta Xi Kappa Tau” and sent to John Bohman in care of: Theta Xi Kappa Tau West Virginia Wesleyan College Greek Life Office at 59 College Ave, Buckhannon, WV 26201.