Five members of FarmHouse Fraternity, Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter at The Ohio State University attended the annual FarmHouse Leadership Institute (FLI) in early January. The weekend event was held in St. Louis, Missouri.
Executive committee members in attendance included: Brady Jacobs Bell, president; Grant DeBruin, vice president of administration; Brady McCumons, vice president of recruitment and retention; Garrett Hastings, vice president of finance; and Lantz Snavely, vice president of risk management. They were joined by Emily Wickham, chapter advisor, and Dr. John Foltz, chapter alum and member of the FarmHouse International Executive Board.
Chapter officers attend FLI at the beginning of their officer term. The program is designed to help chapter officers and advisors learn more about their roles, build connections with other FarmHouse members from across the United States and Canada, learn valuable leadership skills, and set strategic goals for their chapter.
“Our officer team had a great experience attending FLI. Connecting with our brothers from other chapters allowed us to share ideas and best practices,” said Brady Jacobs Bell, chapter president. “We left feeling so excited for the beginning of a new semester and look forward to a successful year of building men.”
The weekend program is facilitated by a team of FarmHouse staff, IEB members, and volunteers. Officers attended workshops based on their officer positions, reviewed membership assessment results, and connected with local alumni for dinner.
Jacobs Bell joined presidents from all 35 FarmHouse chapters in taking the presidential oath to lead their chapter over the next year. Ohio State’s chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity was founded in 1897 as the first agricultural fraternity in the United States. chartered with FarmHouse Fraternity in 2010. FarmHouse Fraternity strives to build men during their collegiate experiences and promotes members to live out the principles of FarmHouse in their daily actions. The fraternity is seeking to expand their membership and encourages in male student at Ohio State interested to contact Brady McCumons, vice president of recruitment, at mccumons.2@osu.edu, or the chapter Instagram @ohiostatefarmhouse.