Meet the Greeks: Every member has an impact

Ch'nya Howard and Wayne Dawes February 09, 2024

Organizations showed out for meet the greeks as people were entertained and received information on who they may join.

On February 1, the annual Meet the Greeks event took place at Harwood Arena from 7 to 10 p.m. This event allowed students to get to know each fraternity and sorority they may be interested in and see what each organization is about. As the event started each organization had a chance to introduce themselves to the crowd and present their principles.

In Greek life, not only are the current members important to the organization but also the alumni presence is highly valued. Previous members who return to represent their organization continue to lend a helping hand in building the brother/sister relationships and develop legacies for years to come.

Marcus Evertz ’23 Kean Alumnus graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice, and Leonardo Polo ’22 Kean Alumnus graduated with a Mathematical Sciences degree. Both Alumni came out to represent the Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc.. They explain how their fraternity has shaped them into the people they are today.

“Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc. really impacted me with community and knowing my place as a Latino. As a Latino American, it felt different whether to be American or from my heritage, but Lambda Sigma definitely showed me the path and I’m glad I was able to do something so great like this,” said Polo.

Evertz explains the impact of his fraternity post-graduation.

“Something that I feel like the organization has shaped me and still helps me to this day, is alot of my time management skills, alot of the basic life skills that you need. I feel like there a lot of things I learned as an undergrad that I use in my professional field and I’m very thankful for the organization. I’m just tryna give back now, myself” said Evertz.