The Troy University Alumni Association officially chartered its 68th alumni chapter on March 4 as it welcomed the Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Chapter.
Faith Byrd, Director of Alumni Affairs, chartered the chapter and installed the new officers during a ceremony on the Troy Campus.
The Kappa Beta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity was founded at TROY in 2005 and has since garnered national attention through its annual Walk Hard event, a spring break trek from the University’s main Quad to Panama City Beach that raises fund to support Jeep Sullivan’s Wounded Warrior Outdoor Adventures, based in Bonifay, FL. The chapter also has the nation’s longest consecutive streak winning the fraternity’s prestigious True Merit Award.
The idea for an ATO alumni chapter grew out of discussions about the importance of remaining connected to one another following graduation, as well as offering support to the active members of the fraternity.
“A lot of us got together and realized the chapter is still fairly young, having been founded in 2005, but there is no excuse for us not to have an official way to get together,” said Gus McKenzie, who will serve as the new alumni chapter’s president. “It was a way for us to unite and support the chapter as one operating body, but also to facilitate staying together as alumni.”
McKenzie, a member of the 2015 pledge class and a 2019 graduate, hopes that the alumni chapter will help to grow connections both for ATO alumni and active members.
“I hope that the alumni chapter keeps guys connected to each other both personally and professionally. We have guys who are in all aspects of business, higher ed, doctors and lawyers. Not only does that help in keeping those people connected for the brotherhood but they can continue to work to grow their careers together as well.”