For four hours on Saturday, Dec. 7, as many as 170 students from area schools were able to do their holiday shopping at Walmart in Olympia Fields, courtesy of the Chicago Heights Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and a grant from Walmart.
Fraternity member Derwin Phillip of Flossmoor was among the organizers of “Shopping with a Kappa.” He helped check students in as they arrived. He said the schools select students whom officials deem to be in need of assistance. The fraternity then provides the opportunity to brighten the kids’ holiday.
“We purchase $100 gift cards for each child, and they can shop for whatever they want,” he said. “It’s simple holiday cheer. The holidays are all about giving, all about fun, all about cheer, and that’s all it is that we do.”
Fraternity members accompanied each child and parent or guardian as they shopped.
One of those shopping assistants, Emanuel Cole, said “Shopping with a Kappa” started six years ago after a local member visited a Walmart in Las Vegas and encountered a chapter there conducting a holiday shopping experience for kids. He brought the idea back to the Southland chapter.
Phillip said the approximately 170 children who registered for the event was more than last year, and the fraternity hopes to keep the program growing.
“Every year we try to grow little bit by little bit,” he said “We are so grateful for not only members of the chapter contributing but local businesses and individuals in the community that help us to offset the cost.”