Chapter supports chef after house closes

Juan Hill, chapter house chef at Emory, lost his source of income as a result of COVID-19. In response, the members of Epsilon Xi Chapter forfeited their semester’s meal plan reimbursement and with additional private donations raised over $4,000 for Chef Juan and his family.

“Juan cares for us and takes the time to get to know all of us,” shared Prior Jeff Savin (Epsilon Xi, ‘19). “After we received the order to vacate campus, we learned what happened to Juan. We knew what we had to do.”

After the check was delivered to Juan, Jeff received a gracious text that read: “I can not find the words to express my gratitude. I am lost for words.” Juan’s wife mentioned that after 17 years of marriage, it is the first time she saw him cry. #truemdh#myfraternity