Alpha Omega Delta takes part in Hemophilia Walk

DECEMBER 8, 2021

Photo via Chi Psi

Every year, the Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area does a Hemophilia Walk. Every year, the men of Alpha Omega Delta [Chi Psi] at George Mason University take part in that walk. They also help to put on the event.

“Most volunteers for this event are from our Alpha,” says Philanthropy Chair Liam Fischer, ΩΔ ’23. “We’re pretty integral to them putting on the event. We help them run everything every year. We are in touch with their Director, who reaches out to the new Philanthropy Chair each year and it gets carried over that way.”

Most of the work involves general event set-up, but the Alpha also provides Brothers to serve food and guide the walkers. Each year, one Brother gets to be the “mascot” and wear the blood drop costume.

“We all really enjoy the Hemophilia Walk,” says Fischer. “This year, some alumni reached out to me when they heard we took part and said how happy they were to see that Omega Delta was still involved because they remember it from when they were actives.”

Fischer says it’s become such a major part of Omega Delta’s annual philanthropy efforts that a lot of Brothers get excited about the Hemophilia Walk every year. He says it’s become a tradition at this point.

“It’s really nice because the Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area is a great organization and this is one of their biggest fundraisers of the year,” says Fischer. “It feels good to know we’re playing a pivotal role in them having funding so they can continue to do their work.”

And that work consists of raising money and awareness for people with blood disorders, especially in the D.C. area. They raise money during the Hemophilia Walk mainly by bringing in registration fees by the walkers, and also by encouraging folks to sponsor those walkers.

Fischer says taking part in this event is always something he enjoys.

“It’s all very fulfilling,” he says. “All the organizations we work with do great work in our community and it feels great to help them continue expanding that work.”

The Alpha also recently held a “Pie a Chi Psi” event on campus to raise money for the Travis Fund, which is another major organization they fundraise for. The Travis Fund is named for Omega Delta founder Travis Valentine, ΩΔ ’05, who passed away tragically a few years ago from a brain aneurysm.

The men of Omega Delta try to really center their focuses on philanthropy and service efforts, whenever an opportunity arises.

“It’s just such an important part of being a Chi Psi,” says Fischer. “We are always trying to help other people and improve our community.”