CSU’s 24th annual Holocaust Awareness Week concluded with a memorial service and Walk to Remember March 4.
“We’re concluding it by doing this Walk to Remember, which is a silent walk to remember the Holocaust and to walk in unity with our community,” said Justin Deutsch, a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi. “And that concludes our remembrance week, although we try to remember every day.”
This event comes after a week of events, including a Field of Flags ceremony, Litany of Martyrs, a lecture, movie night and evening with Holocaust survivor Oscar (Osi) Sladek to commemorate the Holocaust.
The event was put on by the fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi, the only Jewish fraternity on campus. According to their section on CSU’s fraternity and sorority website, their mission is “to provide education, resources and training to the future leaders of the world’s Jewish communities.” They demonstrate this mission “through acts of brotherhood, Tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.”