APSU holds 12th annual Smash Bang to Victory Lip Sync Competition

By Brooklyn Kent / Sunday, September 25, 2022

Austin Peay State University Lip Singing Battle winners. (Brooklyn Kent, Clarksville Online)

Clarksville, TN – The Austin Peay State University (APSU) Panhellenic sororities and fraternities sang and danced their hearts out at the 12th annual Smash Bang to Victory Lip Sync Competition.

This event was held in the APSU Foy Fitness Center where different members of Greek life joined to watch their peers.

Before the event began Victor Felt, Director of Student Life of Engagement, announced this year’s winner of Homecoming Heroes King and Queen. Mr. Felts mentioned that this year both winners made history.

King Matthew Robinson raised $618,00 dollars and Queen Alyssa Rangel raised $1600 dollars for this year’s competition. All the students of panhellenic greek life in total raised $6,865 dollars to give to Burt Elementary school.