Continuing a trend of national recognition in 2023-24, Clemson University’s Interfraternity Council (IFC) has been honored with a pair of prestigious awards from the North American Interfraternity Conference.
Clemson was one of seven schools to earn the Outstanding IFC Award, which recognizes interfraternity councils that excel in operations and positively impact their chapters, their Greek communities and host institutions. Additionally, Clemson IFC was lauded for Outstanding Peer Governance, through its commitment to adherence in the standard operating procedure of conduct accountability.
“Clemson IFC demonstrates excellence in all areas,” says Aly Thieman-Ruhl, associate director of chapter services within Fraternity and Sorority Life. “IFC holds member organizations to a high standard and facilitates the building of strong relationships between chapters and university officials.”
These are the two latest honors from the North American Interfraternity Conference for Clemson. Last summer, the IFC earned the Laurel Wreath Award for its new member education series. John Shoemaker, who served as president in 2023, received the Undergraduate Award of Distinction.
“Clemson IFC defines excellence as an award-winning, nationally-recognized council,” says Shoemaker, a senior. “We believe in building strong leaders, which is critical to our culture.”
“Clemson IFC is a trend-setter and example for other interfraternity councils across the nation,” adds Hunter Stokes, the organization’s executive vice president in 2023. “We’ve shown tremendous growth over the past decade. With continued strong leadership from students and partnership with the university, we believe we can reach new heights.”
Clemson IFC Is comprised of 23 chapters and more than 2,000 members. In Fall 2023, organizations affiliated under IFC compiled a record 3.263 cumulative GPA. Also in 2023, IFC chapters raised nearly $350,000 toward various philanthropies and accumulated more than 15,000 hours of community service.