Greek Week “Ever After” will make its start on April 7

All Greek life organizations are gearing up for the official commencement of Greek Week 2024, slated to run from April 7 to 13. This week-long event encompasses a multitude of activities, including fundraising, games, skits and more.

All Greek life organizations are gearing up for the official commencement of Greek Week 2024, slated to run from April 7 to 13. This week-long event encompasses a multitude of activities, including fundraising, games, skits and more.

Greek Week, a longstanding tradition at SEMO serves the dual purpose of benefiting the community and fostering participation among members of diverse Greek affiliations.

Greek Week consists of a series of points from each event that leads to an overall winner.

According to Associate Vice President of Student Life Bruce Skinner, maintaining a healthy yet respectful competition status is key.

“There is an overall winner for Greek Week, but there are also winners for the blood drive or Greek sing.” Skinner said. “Greek week is also student-led by members of all different chapters, so when you mix in that there are multiple chances to win and our students are running it, it helps keep things generally under control.”

Skinner said that there will be both educational as well as philanthropic benefits to Greek week.

“There is an educational component to it, that is the ability to work with other people, motivate other people around a specific goal,” Skinner said. “The clothing drive, the blood drive and the dollars being raised is where the philanthropy side lies.”

The week is planned out a year in advance by two student chairs as well as a Greek Week Executive board, and a committee called “Steer Co” that serves as extra hands under exec.