With April recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness, advocates say it’s important to know violence against women isn’t just a woman’s issue — it’s a human issue. That’s why the East Texas Crisis Center and the University of [Texas] Tyler chapter of Alpha Tau Omega hosted a panel discussion of ‘Locker Room Talk,’ to talk about how men can be active bystanders to prevent sexual violence.
Jeremy Flowers, Director of Marketing and Public Relations for East Texas Crisis Center served as host. The panel included therapist Stanley Miller, ATO member Benjamin Sharp, and James Edwards, who works in the children’s department of the East Texas Crisis Center as a facilitator. Panelists engaged in an in-depth conversation about men’s role in sexual violence prevention.
Prior to the panel discussion, the audience was introduced to a 15-minute video TED Talk from Alexis Jones, an activist who founded the nonprofit I Am That Girl foundation. She also spearheads ProtectHer, a campaign that educates young student-athletes about sexual assault, and to encourage treating women with respect.