Fifty Under 50: Eric Jacks ’03

Eric Jacks, [a Sigma Chi alumnus,] ’03 has been a member of Whitman’s President’s Advisory Board since 2018. Jacks’ Whitman connections started at home. His dad, Rich Jacks, was the Associate Dean of Students (Health and Wellness) and Director of the Counseling Center for 33 years. His sister, Rachel Jacks, graduated in 2009. Jacks has donated to Whitman annually since he graduated. He and his wife, Kerry Shaw, support The Whitman Fund through unrestricted gifts. “I give to Whitman because it has provided me so much,” he says, “and I want to protect the Whitman experience and help it to thrive in the years to come.” Majoring in Mathematics and Physics at Whitman, Jacks is now the Head of Global Markets Origination at BMO Capital Markets. He and Shaw live in Brooklyn with their three young children.