Greek life is not just a club — it’s a passion to build community

Reporter Camela Sharp Sep 4, 2024

Greek life is recruiting all the time, but acquiring members can be tough when there are false stereotypes about frats and sororities everywhere. A few members with knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes have disclosed what it’s really like to live the Greek life.

The Divine 9 is the National Pan-Hellenic Council, a collection of organizations that aims to build a community for Black members to thrive and to uplift other communities while promoting opportunities and support.

Opinions on sororities and fraternities exist on college campuses: there are stereotypes associating these organizations with hazing, abuse, cult activities and other stereotypes. A lot of them stand on their actions in support of students and the community which attracts those looking to find a sense of belonging and guidance.

Magolin Franklin is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and serves as the chapter president of Delta Alpha Omicron Zeta of Madison County, Illinois. She said her involvement in sorority life has been generational for her, as her mother participated and her own daughter as well.

Senior integrative studies major Bryan Robinson, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, said that joining the fraternity for him meant that they matched his values and that in this space he felt comfortable and accepted.

“I felt at home when I was researching and looking into it. I also had two people that I look up to, joining the fraternity at the time, and I was very impacted by them,” Robinson said. “I see myself [as] similar to them, and I can see myself doing the same things [as them].”

Robinson said that the party habit stereotype does fit their description, but the success that they achieve outweighs that.

“We break those stereotypes day by day, and also seeing us graduate is just another breaking of those stereotypes,” Robinson said. “People typically think frat dudes are in college forever, party and don’t do their work, but we have a lot of high-achieving members of the fraternity.”

Franklin said that they do things for the community like host baby showers, provide gifts for expecting mothers, work with the overnight heating and cooling locations that keep the unhoused safe in either condition and more.