Greek Spotlight: Delta Tau Delta gets egged

September 26, 2024 By Skye Graham


Men mature into better men through Delta Tau Delta, according to senior Alex Haynes, the membership development chair for Delta Tau Delta. 

“I chose them because they’re some of the brightest men on campus and I knew that they could help me to become the best man I could be,” said Haynes.

Delta Tau Delta is one of the four fraternities at Hillsdale. Part of their work on campus is philanthropic service, according to senior Sam Wallace, the sergeant-at-arms for the fraternity. 

“Knowing that every brother past, present, and future will have that same opportunity to experience that growth is really beautiful to me,” Wallace said. 

This fall, Delta Tau Delta hosted their annual “Pelt-a-Delt” philanthropy event to raise money for Helping Hands Pregnancy Center in Hillsdale. During the event, students could give money to throw eggs and pies at members of the fraternity. 

Junior Sebastian Breeland, a member of Delta Tau Delta, said this event was a huge success.

“We raise money for Helping Hands so that women don’t just have to drop their kids off at an orphanage or, even worse, get an abortion,” said Breeland. “We’re obviously pretty passionate about that, since most of us are Christians. I believe we ended up raising somewhere around $1,000 dollars.”

Haynes said he loves “Pelt-a-Delt” because it is entertaining for everyone.

“It’s an event that not only the  brothers can have fun with, but also the people participating,” said Haynes. “It brings a lot of laughs and good times we’re going to remember for years to come.”

The most impactful part of being a member is having leaders within the fraternity, Wallace said.

“The most important thing is having older guys to look up to and slowly becoming a role model as you get older,” said Wallace. “It really happened without noticing it. One day I just realized, ‘Wow, I’m one of the older guys here and there are younger guys who need me as an example.’”

Breeland reflected on how his brothers in the fraternity have always been there for him throughout the high and low points in his life. 

“We like to be stupid and have a good time and all that sort of thing, and that’s fun,” he said. “But I think what has really stood out to me about the Delt experience is that no matter what point I was at, Delt is always there for me.”

Breeland said the fraternity helped him mature in many ways.

“They’ve always helped me back on my feet and they continue to do that,” said Breeland. “They’ll always pick me up when I fall, but they’ll also push me to start sprinting when I get back up. It’s definitely helped me mature as a man.”