CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) – Austin Peay State University’s Sigma Chi Fraternity held their 15th Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at Archwood, the home of APSU President Michael Licari and his wife Kirsten, on the campus of the university.
More than 100 kids, ranging in age up to 10 years old, along with their families, filled the lawn of the Licari’s home for the hunt, which featured Easter-themed refreshments and prize eggs.
“We started it back around 2008, but we didn’t do it over the past two years because of COVID. We bought over 1,000 eggs this year, which obviously wasn’t enough, so we’ll get more eggs next year,” Taylor Norris, head of the Sigma Chi Easter Egg Hunt Committee said.
Norris added the fraternity was happy to do it and they wanted to thank the Licari’s for letting them have the Easter Egg hunt at their home.