Proceeds going to Jonnycake Center, VFW and Toys for Tots
KINGSTON, R.I. – Dec. 21, 2022 – Some people start their holiday shopping many months before the season arrives.
But members of the University of Rhode Island’s sororities and fraternities took only a week or so to raise $137,000 to help local charities make the holiday season a little brighter for those in need. The money will support the Jonnycake Center for Hope in Peace Dale, Washington County VFW Post 916 in Peace Dale and Toys for Tots.
URI’s Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council, the umbrella organizations respectively for the sororities and fraternities, worked under their joint Philanthropy Committee to run fund-raising events Nov. 14 through 18. Philanthropy Week and Greek Week, which is held in the spring, are the Greek communities’ main fundraisers.
“This is a result of Panhel, IFC and the philanthropy and programming team, working to get our community passionate about fundraising,” said Samantha Salerno, a junior nursing major from Bethpage, New York, and the vice president of philanthropy and service for the Panhellenic Council. “We have people deeply involved in creating websites and programming.”