TKE rallies to rebuild chef’s life after devastating fire

Jordan Labatut Feb 19, 2024

Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Chef Shannon McClyde lost her home earlier this month due to a fire, but the boys decided to step up and change her life.

The fire engulfed the entirety of her apartment, only leaving her with a few clothing items.

After hearing about the incident, TKE President Nolan Bourgeois took action. He rounded up his fraternity brothers and went through all possible ways of coming to Chef Shannon’s aid.

They decided to host a fundraiser, announcing the aid through Instagram. Through TKE’s Instagram, contributions can be made through Venmo donations.

President Nolan and his brothers raised over $12,000 for the cause.

Because of this, a grateful Chef Shannon was able to replace almost all of her lost items.

If you are interested in contributing to further help Chef Shannon, TKE is accepting donations through their Venmo @TKEBetaLSU.