The Longhairs & The Great Cut

On March 16, The Longhairs, a popular men’s grooming brand and unique global community for men with long hair, will attempt a world-record hair donation for children with medical hair loss at The Great Cut. The company was founded by Zeta Kappa (Fresno State) alumni Chris Healy and Lindsay Barto in 2014 and has since gone global after the duo’s 2018 appearance on “Shark Tank” and investment from Mark Cuban.

To promote The Longhairs’ record-setting attempt, Chris Healy recently appeared on the morning show “Good Day DC” along with fellow Sigma Nu alumnus Beau Busby (Western Carolina).

To learn more about The Great Cut and the Longhairs, visit the links provided in the comments below, including Chris and Lindsay’s profile in the Fall 2018 issue of The Delta.