
Delta Gamma Chapter initiate Ankit Singhal (far right) has been named to Forbes 30 under 30 in the Energy & Green Tech category for his startup Anthrogen. Anthrogen is a Y Combinator-backed startup that uses genetically modified bacteria and AI-designed enzymes to turn carbon from the air into cheap polymers. Brother Sighal launched the company with cofounders Vignesh Karthik and Connor Lee in January 2024. He currently serves as Anthrogen’s CEO.
In mid-November, brothers from the Epsilon Beta Chapter at Drury University volunteered with empower: abilities to provide accessibility assistance to local Springfield community members. The mission of empower: abilities is to remove barriers and empower independent living for all people with disabilities.

Hi Rickety and congratulations to Brother and Chef Jason “JV” Vaughan, who was recently honored by the Epsilon Beta Chapter with the dedication of the chapter house kitchen in his name on November 10. Brother Vaughan is a highly acclaimed executive chef based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, celebrated for his expertise in launching and managing restaurants, clubs, and bars. With an impressive 21 new openings and 20 television appearances, JV has earned a reputation for culinary excellence. His diverse clientele includes athletes, celebrities, artists, musicians, and models. Brother Vaughan currently serves as the Set Chef and Caterer for Food Network’s The Pioneer Woman, which stars Ree Drummond.

On Sunday, September 29, brothers from the Delta Omicron Chapter at the University of Idaho traveled to Genessee, Idaho, for the Genesee Community Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk. The event, hosted by Down Syndrome Connections Northwest raised money and awareness for the services provided by the nonprofit.

This fall, Nu Chapter at the University of Kansas hosted its inaugural Governor’s Ball. The Governor’s Ball is an alumni formal started to create a better connection between collegiate members and alumni and to celebrate the chapter’s legacy. The event included appetizers, drinks, and a live band. Approximately 50 alumni and the chapter’s 110 collegiate members attended the event with dates. The chapter hopes to continue this event in the future and expects the alumni attendance to greatly increase as the event grows and hopefully becomes a tradition everyone can look forward to each year.

On September 30, the Fraternity wished a happy 90th Birthday to Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.’s Past Executive Director and Sigma Nu Hall of Honor member, Brother Mo Littlefield. Brother Littlefield’s lifetime of service to the Legion of Honor began in 1959 when he was elected to serve as the Commander of the Delta Nu Chapter at the University of Maine. Shortly after graduation, he volunteered as a Chapter Advisor and later served the Fraternity as a Field Consultant under Executive Director Dick Fletcher (Penn State). Brother Littlefield left the General Fraternity in the early 1960s to pursue graduate studies and work in student affairs at the University of Maine and Old Dominion University. Returning to work for the Fraternity in 1977, he served as the Executive Director until his retirement in 1997 (he retired from the Foundation a few years later). In addition to his service to Sigma Nu, Brother Littlefield held leadership roles as President of the Fraternity Executives Association and President of the Edgewater Conference. His achievements were further recognized with the North American Interfraternity Conference Laurel Wreath Award in 1992. He was inducted into the Sigma Nu Hall of Honor in 1990.
In early December, Epsilon Xi Chapter alumni Bill Courtney and his podcast, An Army of Normal Folks dropped their latest episode on the history of Epsilon Xi Chapter’s Charity Bowl. During the episode, you’ll hear about the initial impact on Ole Miss football player Chucky Mullins and how Charity Bowl has raised over $3.5 million since its launch in 1990. You’ll also hear from officers from the collegiate chapter who are interviewed about the chapter’s goal to raise $400,000 during this year’s event
To honor the life and 40-year career of the late Guy Moore, an Epsilon Xi Chapter alumnus, the Deloitte Foundation has renamed an endowment it established in 2022 with a $1.5 million gift to the Patterson School of Accountancy at the University of Mississippi. Additionally, shortly before Brother Moore’s sudden death in 2023, the UM accountancy graduate made a $300,000 gift to the school’s building fund. The school will pay tribute to his gift by naming a 90-person lecture room in his honor. The gift will help fund construction of a planned four-story facility at the corner of University Avenue and Grove Loop. Estimated to cost some $125 million, the new building will feature auditoriums and classrooms, study areas, conference rooms, and administrative and faculty office suites. Brother Moore was named to the accountancy school’s Hall of Fame in 2013.

In October, brothers from the Epsilon Theta Chapter at MIT volunteered with the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The men helped run a fun game of bingo by calling numbers, giving prizes, and supporting patients who were hard of hearing or had weaker English skills.
Montana State

This past weekend, the Zeta Nu Chapter at Montana State University celebrated the initiation of their 1000th initiate. The initiation milestone was made even more special in that it marked the initiation of now Brother Bailey Ortley, who was a member and Lt. Commander during the chapter’s effort to recharter in the early 2010s. Brother Ortley unfortunately graduated and moved away from Bozeman before the rechartering ceremony and remained uninitiated in the years following. The chapter and alumni leaders maintained hope that an opportunity could be found to bring Brother Ortley back for initiation ultimately culminating in this weekend’s historic ceremony for Zeta Nu Chapter.

New Hampshire
On October 26, the Iota Sigma Chapter at the University of New Hampshire participated in a community trick-or-treat event. The brothers enjoyed their time passing out candy to the kids of Durham, N.H.

North Dakota
On October 24, the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at the University of North Dakota hosted their fall philanthropy, Drop the Puck, an ice hockey tournament supporting men’s mental health awareness.
North Dakota State

Eta Theta Chapter brothers Kenjin Vang (left) and Dawson Bechtold (right) took home honors during North Dakota State University fall awards ceremony. Brother Bechtold received the Inter-Fraternity Council’s Person of the Year award and Brother Vang received an honorable mention for Humble Leader of the Year.
Oklahoma State

On November 13, Oklahoma State University celebrated a visit from Sigma Nu Fraternity Hall of Fame member and Epsilon Epsilon Chapter alumnus Dr. William S. Spears and the 20th anniversary of the naming of the Spears School of Business. During the anniversary celebration, students had the opportunity to meet Dr. Spears and attend a moderated Q&A. “We were pleased to welcome Dr. Spears back to his alma mater and celebrate his generous contributions to the Spears School of Business,” said Dr. Kayse Shrum, OSU President. “As our business school’s namesake of 20 years, Dr. Spears is an innovative businessman, a devoted benefactor and a passionate advocate for higher education. We are grateful for the time he spent engaging with OSU students and sharing wisdom that can inspire them to emerge as future business leaders.”
Oregon State

In early December, new members from the Delta Tau Chapter at Oregon State University closed out the end of the calendar year with a community service project in Willamette Park. The men partnered with Corvallis Parks & Recreation to pick up leaves, dead limbs, and trash from around the park.

This fall, Gamma Chi Chapter alumni from the 70s and 80s got together for an annual gathering. The brothers enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with one another, play a round of golf, and enjoy the game.
West Virginia

In October, Gamma Pi Chapter alumnus Jack Thompson was inducted into the West Virginia University Greek Life Hall of Fame. We join the collegiate chapter in congratulating Brother Thompson and extending a hearty Hi Rickety on this achievement. Brother Thompson is a long-time advisor and volunteer for the collegiate chapter, serving in the role of Chapter Advisor since 2011. Professionally he is the Director of Corporate Relations for West Virginia University.

On October 19, brothers from the Epsilon Delta Chapter at the University of Wyoming participated in the university’s Big Event. Big Event is the largest volunteer event of the year. Each year, students from across the campus come together to perform acts of service throughout the Laramie community. Brothers from the chapter helped rake leaves, winterize garden beds, and paint doors for the community center’s 100th Anniversary Celebration.