Tradition hosting MLK Day march

Via News 3 (WSIL)

CARBONDALE (WSIL) — The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity continues its tradition of holding an MLK March through Carbondale and the Southern Illinois University Campus.

Students and community members joined the march in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity himself.

Those in attendance say they feel honored to uphold the legacy of the civil rights leader.

“MLK Day is just one of the days we get on the calendar that celebrates and really memorializes the struggle or the segregation, things that we are still experiencing today and trying to overcome. It’s just a physical presence just like the marches we did all summer, or any protests we do, it’s just a physical being that we are here, a statement basically,” said attendee Asia Ester.

Those march see the event as a great way to kick off Black History month, which takes place each February.