At RSRV Austin, Three Fraternity Brothers Turned Business Partners Endeavor To Provide Comfort and Community Through Wine

Chasity Cooper Sep 2, 2024

Since May 2024, “The Eastside Country Club” has welcomed hundreds of patrons.

When Ricky Soto, Jeremy Hills, and Antonio Guevara met in 2009 on the campus of University of Texas at Austin, opening a wine bar was far from their priorities. The trio met through their fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, and quickly formed a deep friendship that is going on 15 years strong. While going into business with friends is sometimes met with apprehension, cofounder Jeremy Hills is confident that their individual professional experiences will only make this endeavor even more worthwhile.

And with past work experience comes an easy distribution of work at RSRV Austin–Hills focuses on the marketing, Guevara handles operations, and Soto is responsible for the design of the space. But even as they dominate their respective lanes of expertise, constant communication and collaboration remains at the helm of all they do. And it is abundantly clear that they each have a fond respect for each other’s ideas and area of mastery.

We’ve been massively successful in our own lanes,” Hills said, “so we’ve come into this project leaning on what we’ve already done, and remaining open to how we’re going to win together.”