PSU fraternity jumps for Special Olympics Kansas

By Stephanie Potter, The Morning Sun

PITTSBURG, Kansas — A Pittsburg State University fraternity is jumping into the new school year with a fundraiser.

From noon Monday through noon Wednesday near the Oval at PSU, the PSU Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa will raise money for Special Olympics. The fraternity hosts the event every year and welcomes anyone to jump along.

“It’s cool to know we are supporting these amazing, awesome athletes, going above and beyond,” said Alex Gabel, PSU student and Phi Sigma Kappa member.

Another student and fraternity member Brandon Awana said he likes staying active and fit and to raise funds for Special Olympics helps athletes stay healthy and active too.

“I love that we can raise money to help people who aren’t as privileged as us to do what they want to do,” he said.

“Phi Sigma Kappa has been such a great supporter of Special Olympics Kansas,” said Erin Fletcher, Special Olympics Kansas Director of Grants and Development. “Over the years, they have proudly supported Special Olympics and it means so much that they are willing to pass on this tradition of caring for others more than for themselves.

“We are truly grateful for all their hard work and how they have promoted inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities. It really is great to see Pittsburg State University students supporting Special Olympics Kansas.”

People, either passing by or jumping, can donate money for their cause. There will also be a raffle. Tickets are 1 per $1 donated. Participants can win coupon cards or T-shirts.