Students around the country took a stance against hazing this week. National Hazing Prevention Week is an opportunity for campuses, schools, communities, organizations and individuals to come together and talk about hazing in their communities, raise awareness about the problem of hazing, educate others about hazing, and promote the prevention of hazing. Join the conversation — using #NHPW19!
Eastern Carolina University
“Anything that can be perceived as hazing is supposed to be addressed and have a spotlight on it in order to get rid of it,” said Anthony Fraraccio, president of the Interfraternity Council.
Radford University
“Within the Greek life community, it’s only one community, even though we’re in all different organizations, so we have to hold each other accountable even though we’re in organizations,” senior Ricky Rogers said. “As a community, we can keep our Greek life at Radford to make sure we stay in a positive light.”
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
“It’s a problem that spans across the nation,” said Max Prosper, a junior at UL.
Saint Louis University

sluinvolvement: It’s National Hazing Prevention Week and we’re so proud of our #FSL Billikens for sharing why THEY choose to be part of the solution! #NHPW19#TheseHandsDontHaze#BillikensDontHaze@beta_slu
NC State University
“There are people in fraternities who stand up to this, who don’t tolerate this and hopefully that will help break the stigma of what ‘fraternity’ means across the nation — how not all fraternities haze, not all fraternities have this bad light on them,” said Will Schriefer, a fourth-year risk manager for Chi Psi Fraternity.
Loyola University New Orleans

loynopikapp: Hazing Prevention Week is in full swing! #TheseHandsDontHaze
Youngstown State University
“A lot of people just think it’s kind of ingrained in our culture and that if you want to join a Greek organization that you have to do it when that’s really not the case,” said Frank Viera, Interfraternity Council risk manager.
Linfield College

linfieldpikes: It’s National Hazing Prevention Week. We’re proud to be a chapter that supports our members rather than degrade them. #NoHazeLinfield#NHPW19

linfield_thetachi: It’s National Hazing Prevention Week. We’re proud to be a chapter that supports our members rather than degrade them. We treat all of our brothers with the respect they deserve ?? #NoHazeLinfield#NHPW19
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