Student Senate starts fall semester by approving Northwest Pickleball Club

RAIEA SALERNO | News Reporter | @Raiea_Salerno Sep 3, 2024

Senior Interfraternity Council Representative Salvatore Bonadonna introduces himself to the council at the Sep. 3 Student Senate meeting. During the session six representatives were sworn into the senate. NATHAN VANDRUFF | Photographer | @Nathanvandruff2

Student Senate met for the first time this semester 7 p.m. Sept. 3. One of the first actions it did was approve Northwest’s new pickleball club that originated at the Student Recreation Center.

The new pickleball club was proposed by its president, Tanner Hudnall. Hudnall said the club had over 40 members interested in joining.

“Our goal is to promote the sport of pickleball,” Hudnall said. “It’s super easy to learn. We want to give that opportunity to everyone on campus.”

The paddles and equipment for the sport were funded in support by the club’s staff adviser, Congwen Wang. Hudnall said Wang was passionate about the sport. Hudnall’s main focus and purpose of the club is to educate and give students the opportunity to play the sport. 

While voting for the club’s approval, sophomore Class Rep. Anna Tucker said many people played pickleball at the recreation center, so she knew people wanted to be involved.

“I work with the Rec Center, and I see these people playing pickleball all the time, so they’re super passionate about the sport,” Tucker said. “I also think when fresh energy people get to the campus, they also want organizations that they want to be involved in. It’s really something to join.”

However, she said it could also take away from the pickleball tournaments at the recreation center if there was also a campus club dedicated to the sport.

After discussion, the club was approved by a voice vote. Tucker said the sport is more accessible for people to get into compared to other sports. The club has possible meeting locations at the Recreation Center, the Maryville Community Center and the tennis courts by Tower Suites. Club meetings will take place Monday and Wednesday from either 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. or 3 p.m. to 5. p.m.

After the club was approved, Senate also appointed new senators to serve as campus department representatives. Out of the 20 possible representatives nominated, only six were appointed this meeting, including Carter Stancil for Graduate Assistant, Meagan Moreland for Lead Green and Karinne Howell for Panhellenic Representative. Inclusion representatives have a total of five positions and currently Jessica Giles and Lili Bryant now fill only two of those spots. All representatives sworn in today will start their position in Senate at the next meeting.

Salvatore Bonadonna was appointed as the Interfraternity Council Representative. He had the position last year and said he wanted to speak up more this year.

“I was on Student Senate for IFC last year, and I really like to continue that work,” Bonadonna said. “I was a little quiet last semester, and I told myself this summer that if I could stand up here again, I’m going to open my mouth and yap a bit more. I really appreciate the opportunity to do that this semester.”