Phi Delta Theta Province Retreats: Strengthening Brotherhood Beyond Your Chapter

Mar 10, 2025

One of the most rewarding aspects of Phi Delta Theta is the opportunity to connect with brothers beyond your own chapter. Province retreats serve as a reminder that our brotherhood extends far beyond any single chapter, connecting Phis from across a region to engage, learn, and strengthen the bonds of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude.

Throughout each semester, Phi Delta Theta chapters host province retreats that provide a platform for leadership development, collaboration, and strengthening the ties that make our brotherhood so special.

A special thank you to the following chapters who hosted a province retreat this semester!

  • Indiana Gamma
  • Washington Beta
  • California Sigma
  • Kentucky Eta
  • Nebraska Beta
  • California Psi
  • Kansas Delta

“We are incredibly grateful for the dedicated volunteers who host Province Retreats across the US and Canada. Their commitment to Phi Delt helps us create impactful events for our members, strengthening the brotherhood in their province and shaping the future of our Fraternity.”

Myra Duritsch, Director of Volunteer Support

None of this would be possible without the dedication and support of our incredible volunteers. Thank you for making a lasting impact on the Fraternity and for continuously supporting our chapters in their pursuit of greatness.