IFC President first to receive on-campus vaccination

On Wednesday afternoon, Indiana State University student Alanson Gann took a shot in the arm for a good cause. He also wants campus life to...

Chapter helping with vaccine searches

The Theta Xi chapter at Bradley University is assisting people in getting their COVID-19 vaccination appointments as their chosen philanthropy work — at no...

‘Our efforts to give back cannot be stopped by a pandemic’

While the fall semester this year at Morehead State University may be different due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of Delta Tau Delta...

UTK leaders commit to safe campus

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- As an unprecedented semester enters its final weeks, The Interfraternity Council (IFC) at the University of Tennessee remains committed to maintaining a...

FSU chapter gives away masks in community

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - While masks may be the new normal, some people still don’t have readily available access to them. One Tallahassee organization wanted...

Pi Kappa Phi unboxes hand sanitizer philanthropy

Baylor Pi Kappa Phi spent the evening of Thursday unloading 21,000 bottles of hand sanitizer donated to the university by Baylor Scott & White in the...

Feeding families through the pandemic

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut - The New Haven Alumni chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. arrived at the Whalley Avenue Stop & Shop to...

Donating meals to hospital workers

Members of the Delta Sigma Phi Eta Beta chapter at Cal State San Bernardino raised more than $1,000 through a virtual fundraiser to buy...

Sigma Nu makes face shields for campus staff

High Point University’s Sigma Nu fraternity raised funds to purchase materials for and make 22 face shields during the COVID-19 pandemic. Michael Fragnito (left)...

Kappa Alpha Psi distributes food to community

AIKEN, S.C. — Fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and muffins were on the menu Saturday morning at Perry Memorial Park. Members of the Aiken Alumni Chapter...

Instagram Live concert tunes in philanthropy

In early May, Kappa Delta Rho brothers from the Alpha Beta Chapter at the University of Delaware hosted their first Kappa Delta Radio, which...

IFC to donate $15K for virus relief

The Penn State Interfraternity Council unanimously passed a vote to donate $15,000 in an effort to provide financial relief during the coronavirus pandemic. $10,000 will...