Why You Should Go Greek

A lot of people coming into college wonder why they should join Greek life. Particularly students who are as academically and professionally motivated as Georgia Tech students...

Social, academic advantages to Greek Life

Popular culture is littered with depictions of what it is like to be in a fraternity – from Freeform’s original title, “Greek,” which focuses on a group...

Purdue Greeks outperform peers in GPA

Statistics recently released indicate the Purdue Greek and cooperative system continues to outperform its undergraduate counterparts academically. The Purdue Fraternity, Sorority and Cooperative Life report says  the community...

8 reasons to join a fraternity

When I joined Delta Tau Delta Kappa Chapter at Hillsdale College, it came with the tired trope of, “You’re paying for friends.” While there is a financial...

Charitable activities a benefit of membership

In the fall semester at University of North Dakota, sororities and fraternities welcome new members into their organizations with lofty goals: to develop leadership skills, encourage brotherhood...

Keep your brothers connected 101

This transition to a life of virtual meetings and empty streets has been difficult for many. Organizations like fraternities, which are built upon the social tenets of...

‘We want to push for a different stigma’

According to the American Freshman, a survey done through the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, as of 2018, 12% of incoming university students reported having a high chance...

OPINION: Greek life challenges the stereotype

When I came to college, I had no intention of joining a fraternity. In my mind, fraternities represented a hostile environment of competitive people who displayed a...

Greek life has so much to give at Seton Hall

Coming into college, I had absolutely zero interest in Greek life or anything surrounding it. Granted, it’s easy not to know anything about the system prior to college....

Senior discusses campus involvement, shares advice

After spending nearly four years at Lehigh University, seniors are bound to have a few tips and tricks about campus life and involvement. This advice can help...

Interfraternity Council builds unity

At Hillsdale, being a member of a fraternity means making close friends within your house and forming a lasting brotherhood with fellow members as you walk through...

Opinion: Check out Greek groups

College is about finding yourself, pursuing your passions, personal growth, finding lifelong friends and enjoying their years in college - all of which Doane Greek Life provides...